Meet Brittany West Destination Wedding and Elopement Photographer!

I feel privileged to work with Brittany West and learn about her perspective on vow renewal!

Brittany West is a Destination Wedding and Elopement Photographer whose mission it is to help couples avoid the anxiety and stress of fitting into the “traditional wedding” box and replace it with moments of adventure, togetherness, and the best elopement experience possible.

Today Brittany will share her thoughts on vow renewal and the reasons behind it with us.

Photo credit: Brittany West

Why Renew your Vows?

A lovely and touching way to demonstrate the depth of love you and your partner have for one another is to renew your wedding vows. When you decide to express your love to each other again, those vow renewals will have distinct meanings to each couple since each relationship is unique in its own beautiful and lovely ways. As a result, when you make that decision, those renewals will carry different meanings to each couple.

Here are few reasons why married couples decide to have their vows renewed:

Photo credit: Brittany West

Important Anniversary

The celebration of a milestone anniversary! Wow, you’ve made it to the fifth year! 10? 20? The successful maintenance of a marriage requires a variety of things, including individual sacrifice, love, lunacy, and compromise. You have maintained your relationship for all of this time and now want to celebrate with your friends and family the journey that the two of you have been on together. Renewing your wedding vows can be an emotionally significant opportunity to reaffirm your dedication to one another. That certainly is a reason to throw a party!

Photo credit: Brittany West

Get rid from though phase 

Is it possible that you and your partner have been through some challenging moments together? Whether those challenges occurred outside of the partnership as a result of unexpected emotional life events or when the two of you were working through challenges together within your relationship, you have emerged from them more resilient than ever. There are many different problems that many married couples go through, as marriages can be difficult. Even though the two of you may have spent some time away in order to reevaluate and work on the relationship or even come dangerously close to ending it, the most important thing is how the two of you came out on the other side of the situation.

 The act of renewing one’s wedding vows is a potent method to demonstrate to one another and to one’s family that despite all that has happened, the two of you still wish to stand side by side and celebrate the fact that your love has prevailed. The reaffirmation of your wedding vows might represent a new beginning for the two of you and the opportunity to reimagine your shared destiny.

Photo credit: Brittany West

Think about your promises

Your relationship will have traveled numerous distinct pathways after years of marriage, and you will feel the need to announce a different set of vows to each other as a result. This may be because of the ups and downs that you have both experienced during this time. It’s possible that some of the promises you made during the first part of your marriage no longer hold the same significance for the two of you. It’s possible that this is the case because your priorities in life have shifted since the beginning of your relationship, and as a result, you and your partner now place a greater emphasis on various aspects of your love and dedication to one another. 

Making a fresh set of vows to celebrate different phases of your lives and your relationship may be a fantastic way to accept the changes that have occurred in both of your lives, while also serving to emphasize that your love for one another has remained unshaken despite these shifts.

Photo credit: Brittany West

Expression of love and Gratitude towards them 

Or, your love for each other runs so deep that you want to proclaim it to the world and celebrate the fact that you would make that vow all over again in a heartbeat if you had the chance. It doesn’t matter if you renew your wedding vows on a special occasion or if you do it on the spur of the moment or as part of a carefully planned surprise: the fact remains that you can’t control the crazy love you have for that person, and renewing your vows could be the ideal romantic gesture to demonstrate this.

Photo credit: Brittany West

It’s finally time to get married as you always imagined!

Do you remember every detail of your ideal wedding? Not everything worked out as planned, huh? That could occur for a variety of factors. Possible reasons include a lack of funds at the time or the absence of key guests at the original event. Perhaps a minor issue arose on your wedding day (Uncle Dave had one too many gin and tonics again, for example). If you decide to try again, you’ll have more time and less stress to get everything just right. And this time, you might even be able to take a bite out of your wedding cake and savor it! For that you can plan some secret wedding with your mains. You can plan on some other elopement. Because there are some vendors available in the era who offer these special elopement packages for your special moments.

That’s a Wrap!

What a lovely piece of writing! Thank you so much, Brittany, for sharing your thoughts on the various ways and reasons why it is so important to renew your vows!

Wamt to find out more about Brittany and her stunning work? Check out her website and make sure you follow her on Instagram and Facebook

And remember make Everyday a Charming Experience with Enchanting Weddings and Events!